Tuesday 24 July 2012


In the genealogy of Abraham, there was no record of delay in childbirth until the days of his father called Terah. Terah never gave birth until he was seventy years old unlike the average which was thirty-two in his family. This event marked the genesis of barrenness in the lineage of Abraham and it was also pronounced in the days of Isaac and Jacob. 

“When Terah was seventy years old, he had Abram, Nahor, and Haran.” Gen 11:26 (THE MESSAGE)

“Sarai was barren; she had no children.” Gen 11:30 (THE MESSAGE)

“Isaac prayed hard to God for his wife because she was barren. God answered his prayer and Rebekah became pregnant.” Gen 25:21 (THE MESSAGE)

“When Rachel realized that she wasn't having any children for Jacob, she became jealous of her sister. She told Jacob, "Give me sons or I'll die!" Gen 30:1 (THE MESSAGE)

A closer examination of these accounts from the Bible shows that there is a ravaging parasite hidden in their blood line. Further research about the Hebrews meaning of Terah brings into reality the hidden truth about this satanic phenomenon. Terah in Hebrews language means delay and delay in the contemporary English dictionary connotes stagnation. When he was born, he was named delay and this was passed on to Abraham and the unborn generations. Therefore the spirit of Terah is the spirit of collective captivity (delay, stagnation and merry-go round or better still being held to a spot). Let me be specific at this point, any issue( problem) in your life now started in the days of your fathers but nothing was done to address the situation, so I prophesy that any problem  affecting you by virtue of the mistake of your parents dies now in Jesus name. Everything was fine in the linage of Abraham until Terah showed up in the scene of event. 

Alas! Somebody started that crises, hardship, poverty, terminal disease which was unknown to you but you can stop it. Have you checked through your lineage and you discovered that people do not prosper, ladies do not go to school or they delayed martially, you do not know your biological father or you are always struggling through life from year to year, then there is a mystery which is hidden from you. Beloved until you locate and lock the source of this affliction through the help of the Holy Spirit, you might continue to grove in darkness. Shout this loud, blood of Jesus, go into the foundation of my family and deliver me from the bondage of collective captivity in Jesus name. Peradventure, there might be an initiator of sudden death, barrenness, polygamy or untold hardship in your family and you must cry untold God for a total deliverance. There is an invisible entity in charge of the remote control of your destiny tossing it at will to afflict your life. I do not know what you have suffered in the past but by the power of God through this publication, you shall be free from that shame and disgrace in Jesus name. 
                                                                          ……………… To be continued.
This series continues in our next blog, keep reading and God bless you.

*When a man enjoys speed, he takes the lead.
*When God fast tracks you; you will gain uncommon momentum. He will give you wings to fly and you will be the envy of others.
*Time and chance is not a function of fortune or good luck but of grace. If the race is at the dictate of men, then everyone will be a winner.
*When God teaches you the principles of profiting, He will lead you in the right direction and the journey to the top is cut short.
*Every decision you make today may cost you something tomorrow; so while in your youthful days, before you pray for money, pray for wisdom.

*Every man or a woman that is a barrier to the fulfillment of your destiny is hereby cut-off!
*This is the season you will enjoy peace; any occurrence of evil that wants to shorten the days of your   
  celebration  is subdued!
*I command all your problems to go into a deep sleep and they shall never wake up again!
*Everything and every person in your life or house that is not profitable for your progress are hereby pushed 
*Right now, I decree an end to everything that is making you to shed secret tears!
                                                                                                                           In Jesus Name


  1. Dady, this is really revealing. means Abraham waiting that long because he couldn't decipher the problem, but for the Covenant! I think we should build a relationship with God that is Covenant based, as it can counter problems which codes are difficult to break. keep writing sir, you have deep insight.

  2. Our Father said that TIMING was exact. He connects and reveals in exactitude. I thank God for precisely timing this connection as sought conformation. Abba thank you for flooding this house and its nation, as a room in your eternal house of precisely-timed nations. PRECISION, EXACTITUDE AND FULLNESS that cannot be obstructed you said...Open up heaven's bounty and FILL to fullness what is not DELAYED but exacts in precision mining the "mine" of FIJIAN (Fijian is Jesus island and nation) and other IJIAN nations re-founded in Christ THE RESURRECTION alone, as manifested good news gospels of nations foretold to Abraham 430 years before the law. Nations as good news with WINGS TO SOAR in what was not seen by mind nor heart, which 'saw' not what 'was' or what may suddenly be - now Amalek-unhindered, Terah-unhidden and DIVINE vision-heeded.
