Monday 9 July 2012


There is a class of people that are most despised, neglected and considered as second class citizen in life. They are referred to as the poor in the land. Jesus in His maiden speech about His mission itemized the cadre of people that would benefit from the overflow of power and anointing in His ministry amazingly the poor becomes one of His subjects of priority. Hence, the ministry of prosperity becomes a vital arm in His ministry.

The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor... Lk 4:18 (NIV)

Do not be misled thinking that the gospel of prosperity is to enrich the preacher rather it is a mystery instituted by God for the church to tap from the heavenly resources. If Jesus Christ first assignment also centered on the poor, why are there still poor people in the body of Christ? From the opening scripture; Jesus, a very rich God for your sake became poor so that you can experience heavenly attributes on earth among which is the prosperity of your soul (III John.2). You can make heaven on two platform either a pauper or a rich person but how? The story of Abraham and Lazarus shed more lights on the demarcating line that describes their lot in heaven. The death of Jesus shuts the gate of poverty and opens the gate of prosperity. The ticket of your wealth and riches has been purchased by the blood of Jesus. This truth is well stressed in John 10:10 where Jesus painted the real picture of your redemptive heritage. Poverty is a curse that you must break away from. This is one of the prime reasons why Christ died on the cross. You can break the chain of curse and poverty in your life if you are ready to take responsibility.

"Christ redeemed us from that self-defeating, cursed life by absorbing it completely into himself…" Gal 3:13 (THE MESSAGE)

The following underlying fact uncovers the true state of the scourging effect of poverty if you allow it to sediment in your cognitive reasoning. These facts have been generally proven no matter your color, person and belief.
* Poverty is a curse; it has the capacity to waste your destiny. Just as Christ died to reverse the curse, you can be free. Any area of your life where you are experiencing ravaging famine now, its causative agent could be the ripples of poverty. Deut. 28:48.
*Christ suffering on the cross of Calvary is your ultimate redemptive package from the cold grip of poverty. It therefore becomes absurd to suffer this same shame again. II Cor. 8:9.
*Poverty is destructive not creative. Its potency is the high way to destruction no matter your personality. It is a canker that can submerge your initiative, creativity and resourcefulness. Now that you are born again but there is no cash again. You need to uncover the cause if it is not connected with the subject matter, Pro 10:15.
*Poverty has the propensity to humiliate and frustrate your person regardless your status. It can turn you to an object of ridicule and servant hood. Therefore, never bargain to be poor in life, Prov. 22:7.
*Poverty can stain the cordial relationship between you and people around you especially your family members. Its presence in your life can make you to be booed by your esteemed family members, Prov. 14:20.
*Poverty will created avenues for you to be tempted despite your holiness. Its can make you to be susceptible and vulnerable to gratifying the craving of the of the flesh, Prov. 30:9
*With poverty, you are defenseless and this speaks of yielding to craving and gratification of your need which might be against God’s standard.
*Poverty can make every option or alternative in life palatable to your taste. It can reduce your level of reasoning to accept fate rather than acting in faith, Prov. 27:7.
*Poverty can isolate you and this has the capacity to a build a stronghold of loneliness in your life, Prov. 19:4.


*DEFAULT IN THE PAYMENT OF TITHE: Tithe connotes the glory of God and His entity. Failure to pay it adequately equals taking God’s glory which literally meaning consuming poisonous content. The cause for the curse in your life can be best explained in the line of this truth, Mal 3:8-12.
*DISRESPECTING PARENTAL COVENANT: Your refusal to care for your parent will only make you remain in the assembly in the poor. If the bible has commanded then you are obligated to fulfill it. When last did you bless your parents? Eph. 6:1-3
*LIFE IS ALL ABOUT GIVING AND DEATH IS ALL ABOUT TAKING: Your stinginess to your creator and people who your help need will only create a future where poverty becomes your task master.
*REFUSAL TO GIVE MEANINGFULLY TO SUPPORT GOD’S WORK: I want you to always remember that every project in the kingdom equals to progress in your endeavor of your life, Hag 1:6.
*REFUSAL TO GIVE TO THE POOR: Giving to the poor is one of the gate ways of remaining on the path of prosperity. Prov. 28:27 breaking the
In our subsequent publication, covenant steps to breaking the grip of poverty will be expounded and as this truth is unveiled; your freedom from poverty is guaranteed in Jesus name. Remain blessed.

·        You cannot put God first and be "unblessed" or bed last in the things of life!
·        Financial faithfulness is the bed rock of financial greatness in Christ!
·        When consumption is your only priority, then poverty becomes inevitable!
·        A habit of spending all will only lead to your losing all!
·        You are not wealthy by how much you make, but by how much you are able to keep for future investments!
·        Those who refuse to invest now ends up eating their future!
·        Risking nothing is the greatest risk in life!

Prophetic Declarations
·        This month, God will show you your project of prosperity!
·        You shall experience a net-breaking harvest!
·        The Holy Ghost will give you direction to profiting!
·        You will break new grounds and take new territories!
·        You shall never run dry of Heavens support!
·         Before any need shows up in your life, surplus will be waiting in your hand!
·        God is at work in your life!  
                                              In Jesus Name

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