Tuesday 17 July 2012


There is a device which the enemy uses to arrest the glory of men even from the womb, this satanic device is so dreadful that it has sent many glorious destinies to the world beyond, amputates others and has made many a lawful captive of failure, stagnation, hardship and unexplainable oppression. It is called curses from the womb. Before you were born, so many transactions took place; some were progressive while some were inimical. Those events that are demonically inclined might be the crux of your affliction.
As for Ephraim, their glory shall fly away like a bird, from the birth, and from the womb, and from the conception. Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that there shall not be a man left: yea, woe also to them when I depart from them! Ephraim, as I saw Tyrus, is planted in a pleasant place: but Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer. Hos 9:11-13 (KJV)

There is a mystery that surrounds every man’s conception and birth either godly or ungodly. I want you to understand this today that there is a mystery behind your birth which you must find out if the enemy of your destiny will not end up using your life to advance his evil course. Listen to this, if the wicked has placed a curse upon your life, such shall be broken by the power in the blood Jesus. A man can be cursed from the womb if: 

*  His parents visited ungodly places before or during his conception.
* There are undisclosed mysteries or circumstances about his conception or birth.
* There is a negative reaction from his parent.

* Hardship and bad luck.
* It can refute a man of his honour and dignity in life.
* It can terminate a man’s life before his time of glory.
* It can hinder the plan of God in the life of such a man.

No matter how long you have been kept in the stronghold of the enemy, you can be set free if you can embrace such truth as contained in this write-up. I want you to know that your enemy is getting tired too and that is the reason why you must fight back so as to be free from the whips and caprices of the satanic siege harassing your destiny. In your quest for freedom, you must: 
*Make inquiry from your parents or elders in your family about the circumstances surrounding your birth.
*Engage in warfare prayers so as to break that curse issued against your destiny.
*Look for a corresponding seed to break the curse.
This series will continue as more intriguing issues of life will be unfolded, until then remain blessed!


  •  Every conscious and unconscious curse behind my year to year affliction, break,break!
  •  Every invincible government of darkness enforcing curses in my life, I scatter your gathering by the blood of Jesus!
  • Enough is enough, with the heavenly host on my side, I revolt against every charm and enchantment used to cage my destiny while in the womb! 
  •  Every glory and virtue I have lost in my mother’s womb; oh Lord buy it back for me!
  •  Anything my head has accepted as impossibility and failure from the womb, I wash it away by the blood of Jesus! 
                                                                                In Jesus Name! 

*History is made only by those people who know the times and seasons
*We are only still alive because God is expecting us to do certain things today.
*Everything that is easily accessible looses it value. Hidden things have their highest price.
*If you are not ready to be humble, you will never be great. You will actually stumble.
*You need to pay the price so that the small becomes big.

*Your yokes of many years are hereby destroyed!
*Every day of this week shall spring forth amazing testimonies of God’s doing in your life!
*Stubborn problems of many years are terminated in your life now!
*This week you will dominate your world and subdue all oppositions to your risings!
*Whatever is said to be dead around you is coming alive now!
*Before your need shows up, surplus will be waiting in your hand!
*Jobs and contracts that have been scarce shall come to you in surplus!
                                                                 In Jesus Name

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