Wednesday 1 August 2012


The previous publication on this series brought to limelight the circumstances as well as the efficacy of the agony associated with the spirit of Terah (The spirit of collective captivity). Terah lived and died without any lasting legacy and this was the pattern or standard Abraham had conditioned his mindset until God spoke:

"Leave your country, your relatives, and your father's home, and go to a land that I am going to show you. I will give you many descendants, and they will become a great nation. I will bless you and make your name famous, so that you will be a blessing.” Gen 12:1-2 (GNT)

God stepped into eternity so as to rescue Abraham from the impending danger of barrenness. There is a satanic spirit or devil behind your affliction; until you deal with the spirit of Terah (delay), it can affect your children even the ones in your loins. Winning the battle against this spirit is not a child’s play. Little wonder that you are always discouraged and perturbed each time you are determined to engage the enemy in warfare prayer. This is a spiritual battle.

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world; against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”  Eph 6:12 (NLT)

There is a demonic entity ( spirit of Terah) making demand and profiting from your delay, pain, hurt, agony and suffering and been indifferent about it might either prolong your days of glory or defer the fulfillment of prophesy about your great future. Whatever you have suffered as defeat, shame and confusion, the God of Mordecai will arise and fight for you in Jesus name. If you are not pursuing something, something is pursuing you whether you are conscious of it or not. If you cannot pray, you are already a prey and if you have been swallowed, today by the power of the Living God, you will be vomited in Jesus name  

This same affliction (the spirit of Terah) threatens the validity of God’s covenant in the life of Isaac and Jacob but they cried unto God and they were delivered. This battle is not only about you but the generations yet unborn, so what are you doing about it? Every wrong DNA of your parents in your blood that is detrimental to your health and prosperity, I command it to die in Jesus name. The Ancient of days will go into your family history and disgrace the strongman strengthening your captivity and you will possess your possession in Jesus name. Check your family history and compared it with your present life, is there any correlation, if yes, then be prepare to pray. Isaiah was a candidate of this same affliction until King Uzziah died.

“It was in the year King Uzziah died that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple.” Isa 6:1 (NLT)

All of a sudden, you noticed that the same sickness, abject poverty, retrogression, delay and sudden death that runs through your family lineage has caught up with your father and if urgent measures are not taken, the same fate might be your conclusion but there is a way of escape in God
"Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”  Matt 7:7(NLT)

“Verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matt 18:18 (KJV)

These two scriptures give a practical approach to ending this satanic saga. As a child of God, you have been endowed with power to disarm the controlling forces behind your problem.Why not pass through the pain now so that you and next generations can be free from this demonic chaos. If you do not deal with this spirit, then the promises and counsel of God for your life might remain a mirage. The only way of escape from this satanic assault is through war-fare prayers.

 Pray like this:
 -I bind every spirit of Terah married to my destiny!
-Every appearance of delay in my life, career, family and business die, die!
-Every satanic connection between me and any spirit of delay, I cut it off!
-I lose myself from any form of delay known with my family and I enter into my realm of abundance!
-My Father, my Father, anoint me to start something new in my family!       
                                                                        In Jesus name

-If you do not take spiritual responsibility, you remain a spiritual liability.
-There is no superman anywhere except a man with a super God with him.
-The anointing upon a man is a preserver of life.
-Neglecting to confront opposition in the name of Jesus is a cheap way to die.

-Your heaven shall be opened perpetually and you will no longer be identified with problems forever!
-This is month will mark the beginning of adventure into your undeniable greatness!
- The Lord will silence your enemies and increase your faith!
-God will go into places where you cannot enter, where they do not know you and raise a voice for you!
-Anything or person in your life or house that is not profitable for your progress is hereby pushed out!
-I curse whatever is blocking your access to your promise land!
                                                                         In Jesus name                  

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