Monday 9 July 2012


The vicissitude of life is real and when it is prolonged, it can result into pressure. The implication of this assertion is what has left many people to succumb to options, principles, lifestyle and means of livelihood which is inimical to their health and destiny. Amazing, the word of God has given an infallible proof that in all these we are more than conqueror. Some people due to pressing need such as unemployment, undue delay in child birth, failure in business and career or financial inability have debased morality and integrity in the name of alternative solution. It is my prayer for you that today as you put pressure on pressure where you are supposed to be, the Lord will empower you to get there in Jesus name. A brother did not have a child after marrying for thirteen years. He cajoled into having extra marital affair with a girl organized by his mother. Unfortunately, this girl is an agent of darkness from the water. One strange thing about this girl is about anytime the man wants to eat; the food will just appear in a twinkle of an eye. The lady became pregnant and when she was due for delivery, a word of prophesy came that the man’s life is about to be substituted for the child. When he told me about this, I counseled him to pray and fast for seven days without eating and God had mercy on him.  You do not know the reason why God has stopped you from a particular thing you will not struggle for it.

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. 2 Cor 4:8-9 (NLT)

The word of God has clearly stated it that He is your shepherd; this means that He is able to meet all of your needs. Any door you are forcing to open is going to slam back on your face. Need is enough to put pressure on you and the declaration of Apostle Paul confirmed the reality of pressure. Today my prayer is that God will bail you out of every satanic and demonic need in the name of Jesus. Need becomes terrible when while you are still battling with one another one surfaces.

*You are not the only one that is having pressure, everybody has pressure but our ways of handling it differs. Sometimes, the pressure in life might have satanic undertone and in that case you must fight back, 1 Pet 5:9. Every need that is making you to shed secret tears, the Lord will turn it to open testimony in the name of Jesus.
*Pressure must not compel you to do anything irrational. Once you are under pressure, do not do anything rather you must maintain your composure. The Bible says, “Be still and know that I am God”. Anything you do under pressure, you will regret it.
*Have this understanding that you can handle pressure by the help of God. “I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me” Phi 4:13
*Pressure is not as bad as you perceive it; all you need to do when pressure comes is to put pressure on pressure. How? Wait. When you do this the pressure becomes weaker. Once you can successfully absorb its weight by buying time, it becomes weaker. Alternatively, if you act immediately, it is going to capture you. And the reason why pressure comes is to divert you. Do you know that so many destinies are connected to your life and if you fail, they are going to fail likewise? Can I pray for you, you will not fail in Jesus name.
*Every pressure has a time frame because the Bible says that everything on earth has time and season, so also pressure. So when the pressure is much, do not worry because it has its time
I want you to take note of this pressure comes to special people not to everybody. The Biblical accounts of Joseph, David, Hannah and Sarah, they did not succumb to the whips and caprices of pressure.

His anger lasts only a moment, His goodness is for a lifetime. Tears may flow in the night, but joy comes in the morning. Ps 30:5 (GNT)

Do not forget His help is coming and your miracle is on the way. What you do not have now very soon you will have it in surplus. The time of weeping is the time of pressure. What is that thing you are expecting? Do not stop at asking, that is why we call you a believer.  Do not allow pressure to take your service and sacrifice away from your Maker. When you go to church, do something or work in the church.You will smile again in Jesus name.

·        Every assertion is a platform for deposition.
·        Don’t make a parking place somewhere that is meant to be a passing phase.
·        What you see is what you will be.
·        Except you ’see’ what God says is yours, you can’t have them.
·        Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain or accomplish for yourself, rather it is what you do for others.

Prophetic Declarations
·        Your night season is over it is a new dawn for you!
·        Never again will you be found among failures!
·        Your effort to excel shall not be in vain!
·        You will certainly go up. You will climb the carder of success!
·        You are completely out of shame, lack and lamentation!
·        Your life is on a divine motion of progress!
                                                                    In Jesus Name

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