Thursday 16 August 2012


There comes a time in life when you must revoke against the norm or status-quo that you have considered as a family pattern that is contrary to the blue print of your Creator. In Mathematics, a straight line is the shortest distance between two points but if the same distance is measured in a circular dimension, the distance becomes longer.

“For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying:"The voice of one crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight.” Matt 3:3 (NKJV)

The scripture above talks about the destiny of John the Baptist, how God designed his destiny from eternity to make an indelible impact in the history of humanity. As wonderful as the eternal counsel of God is, the devil, the arch enemy of man is always at the verge of sabotaging what the Bible describes as God's master piece in Gen 1:31. He injects all manner of evil manifestos into the life of people through his demonic mercenaries. One of such device or scheme is what I called the cage of circular spirit. This satanic spirit can prolong your day of glory and turn a journey of forty days to forty years just as in the case of the Israelite. Nevertheless, this spirit will ensure that your destiny does not assume its rightful place in the plan of God. Beloved, I want you to know this today that you do not resemble God with that bondage and affliction because the way of the Lord is straight; therefore I curse every power behind your going around in circle in Jesus name.   
“Then God said, "You've been going around in circles in these hills long enough; go north.” Deut 2:2-3(THE MESSAGE)

Hitherto, the Israelites have wandered in the wilderness for many years and the truth is not farfetched from this revelation as they were held bound by this wicked satanic spirit but by divine providence, they were delivered and they got their inheritance.

“‘And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit to go, they went; and they turned not when they went.” Eze 1:12 (NKJV)

Whoa! That is amazing but this circular spirit is a wicked task master who will not easily let go, holding fast his captives. This spirit is responsible for diversion of destiny and once this is achieved difficulty, error, mistake, servant hood, disappointment and slavery  will become a normal occurrence. If you are already its lawful captive, I declared your freedom from the grip of that wicked circular spirit that has held you bound in Jesus name.  Alas! God has destined you to be great but this circular spirit can turn your hero to zero and divine ability to affliction. Many Christian today are confused despite the victory of the Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary because somewhere along the line, their destiny(s) were arrested and detained by the demonic stronghold of circular spirit. 

Are you going in circle or are you going according to how your creator has fashioned your life? One of the potent schemes deployed by this circular spirit is what has now become a standard of the human civilization; it is called the spirit of copy-cat. This virus has been regarded as a normal occurrence but in absoluteness, it is a satanic ensemble from the wicked coven of darkness charged to arrest people’s original identity. This is the crux behind the affliction of people and believers are not left out of this saga. No matter how this may sound to you, this circular spirit has the power to short-change your divine original for futility and this will result to waste of God’s investment in your life. Let me expound an insight from the story of Moses when God told gave him the blue print of his calling.

 And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs.” Exo 4:17 (NKJV)

 True to it, Moses did unusual signs and wonders with his rod but when Joshua took over the mantle of leadership from him, he did not follow that terrain. 

"I am giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on — just as I promised Moses." Josh 1:3 (THE MESSAGE)

This is the peculiarity of Joshua’s ministry. He was anointed to complement what God started through Moses. God was committed to His word in his life and everywhere he stepped, victory was assured. Check all the accounts of his conquest (Jos 6:20-21, 4:9-10), Joshua could have been a misfit if he had mimic the acts of God in the life of Moses by emphasizing on the ministry of the rod. Sadly enough, this demonic current is sweeping through all facets of the human endeavour making its captive spiritual vagabonds. The mission of this wicked spirit is to usurp your originality, depleting your glorious destiny to a state of opaqueness. Therefore, there is a battle to fight and win if truly you must be congratulated in life. In the concluding part of this message, I shall be unfolding the signs to watch out for as well as the way out of the grip of this circular spirit. Before then, pray these prayers like a champion:

-Every anointing of going in circle in my life, expire now by fire!
-My divine original buried in any coven of darkness, appear now by fire!
-Circular spirit from my background prolonging my breakthrough, receive thunder and die!
-My Father, my Father, I refuse to go in circle; I will go straight in life!
                                                                                      In Jesus name
  • Do not ever agree with anyone that believes, declares or insinuates that you cannot make it.
  • In the school of life; persistence is a force and until you persist, you will never prevail, succeed or become a champion.
  • If you can persist in doing the right thing, it will soon produce for you.
  • If you are going to employ the weapon of persistence and godly desperation, then stop listening to the wrong people.
  • Necessity may be the mother of invention but desperation is the mother of innovation.
  • Whenever men get desperate, they get motivated to move from where they are to their next level.
  • Your destiny will not be wiped out! 
  • All that have been shot at you will drop off you! 
  • I curse whatever is blocking your access to your promise land! 
  • You shall no longer suffer aches and pains! 
  • This is going to be a week with a difference for you! 
  • God will declare you to your generation this month!
                                                                In Jesus name

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