Wednesday 22 August 2012


In continuation of this message, the mystery behind circular movement shall be fully explored in this publication. I want to reiterate that the mission of this wicked spirit is to short- change the original plan of God for your life making your path crooked and hazy.  Permit me to ask you, when will you go straight in life and destiny? I will continue from where I stopped last week about the unique and prophetic destiny of Joshua who by the help of God knew the peculiarity and originality of his ministry through his feet.

“When they brought them out, Joshua told the commanders of his army, "Come and put your feet on the kings' necks." And they did as they were told.” Josh 10:24 (NLT)

This event consolidated the Jericho and Jordan experience which was monumental to his campaign before possessing the promise land. The mission of this circular spirit is to impound your unique assignment and that can totally incapacitate your destiny. Guessing with destiny (uncertainty, indecisive and vacillating) is another salient weapon used by the devil to popularize his satanic revival of oppression and bondage. Shout this loud and clear, I refuse to guess in life, I will go straight with my assignment in life in Jesus name. This circular spirit can cloud your eye from seeing into areas, projects, and ventures that change your status for the best. Any demonic stumbling roadblock on your path in life against success, the angel of the Lord will clear it away in Jesus name.
 A man came to our counseling meeting sometimes ago and God revealed that he ought to read Medicine in school not Political Science. After disclosing this truth to him, he left angrily but that same night he dreamt seeing himself wearing white medical apron and people are commending him for his expertise on the job. When he woke up, he understood the dream, he went back to school to study medicine and today, he is a successful medical doctor. Also, a man saw that the ‘puf-puf’ business of his wife was thriving generating huge income. On that basis, he resigns from his lucrative business to join his wife. No sooner than three weeks that he joined that the business that it collapsed with nothing for them to fall back on.

Beloved, you are sent here on earth with a specific assignment and until you discover it, you cannot escape from the whims and caprices of this circular spirit. The following high points are some of the indices if a man is besieged by this demon called circular spirit:
-It can make a man goalless with his objectives; let me ask you, what is your goal and pursuit in life?
-It is the power behind trial and error syndrome reoccurring in your life.
-It is the initiator of what I called the vagabond anointing- aimlessness, lack of coordinate or concerted effort life.
-It can make living unpalatable and such a man will be reviled by all and sundry.
-It is responsible for constant failure and hardship; you can only get your allocation in the place of your location.
-It is the brain behind wandering and haughty spirit ravaging the destiny of many people.
-It is a copy-cat (photocopy) demon.
- It is the power that has made many to be interview celebrity.
-Covetousness becomes a lifestyle because waiting on God is out of view of such a man.
-It is the power of been afraid of the future.

If you are under the influence of this spirit, the Lord can set you free because
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the [consistently] righteous man [upright and in right standing with God] runs into it and is safe, high [above evil] and strong.” Pro 18:10 (AMP)
Get acquainted with the Lord and be prepared to engage this wicked spirit in battle through war fare prayers. Besides, you must be ready to pay the price for greatness because at the back of every star lies scares of what they went through to be a celebrity. As you take this bold step of faith, you will come out every cage confiscating your divine original in Jesus name. Stay blessed.

  •  Your success is a product of your character!
  • Until you critically examine yourself, you cannot pass the examination of destiny successfully!  
  •   Every outstanding result is built on outstanding principles!
  • There is no substitution for the help of God in the race of life!
  •  If you do not have a focus in life, every little challenge becomes a mountain!
  • The faith that expects God to do everything without you doing anything is an irresponsible faith!

  •  Anyone with evil intention that crosses your path shall fall down before you!
  • You are moving from a life of constant harassment into a life of dignity and honour!
  • When others are closing down, you will be rising higher! 
  •  The arrows of the wicked will not locate you!
  • May the reward of heaven locate you this month! 
  • Henceforth, you will rule in the mist of your enemies!
                                                          In Jesus name

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