Wednesday 8 May 2013


Affliction is like a two- edged sword that affects both the righteous and the unrighteous. In a simple term, it is the wicked finger or the involvement of the enemy in the affairs of men.  More-over, affliction in the Hebrew language means ‘aven which means trouble or wickedness.  I need you to know that God is not glorified when you are afflicted; rather it is one of the many schemes of darkness. Please, do not forget that the Bible says:
 “But while he was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed also darnel (weeds resembling wheat) among the wheat, and went on his way” Matt 13:25 (AMP)

Today, many people are groaning under the weight and burden of this dreaded scheme of darkness because somewhere either consciously or unconsciously the enemy penetrated their lives and the resonance effects of such evasion is undoubtedly responsible for the hardship, failure, depression, stagnation and terminal diseases ravaging their destines.

“A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all;” (NIV) Ps 34:19

Though several schools of thought have analyzed the pain, agony and travails associated with affliction and all of these pointed to the fact that affliction is real and deadly if its victim is complacent. In this write-up, I will be sharing with you from the word of God some of the meanings of affliction as well as its causes. Affliction can be pain or bodily torment which someone passes through or an attack by satan against the righteous.

 “Look upon my affliction and my distress and take away all my sins” Ps 25:18. (NIV)

 There are varied degrees caused by this lethal weapon of darkness.  Affliction can make people to be broken (sober), backslide while others are made in the process because of their dexterity. Essentially, this wicked device of the enemy that brews from the pit of hell is aimed at destabilizing the children of God. God Himself feels the pain when the righteous are being afflicted.

“In their entire affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and He bares them, and carried them all the days of old“(KJV) Isa 63:9.

You might say I am a believer why should I be afflicted? Yes, you are right but you must always remember that the Bible warns that the whole world is full of the habitation of cruelty.


·        It is what you carry that determines your battle.
·        Warfare always surrounds miracles.
·        If you have never had warfare, that is because you are not carrying anything.
·        Whoever knows the secret of your heart will be in control of your future.
·        Anything you compromise to get, you will eventually lose it somehow.
·        Goats do not have a shepherd, only sheep do.


·        * Every power of stagnation in your life, I kill it!
·         *Every Power of frustration and backwardness dies in your life now!
·        * I revoke the potency of any negative word spoken against you and your children!
·        * Every power swallowing your greatness is hereby disgraced by the blood of Jesus!
·         *Your riches and breakthrough in the depth of the waters is locating you now!
·       *  Every power of limitation reigning in your life is hereby broken!
                                                                               In Jesus Name

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