Tuesday 7 May 2013

Destruction has overtaken my people because they have no knowledge; because you have given up knowledge, I will give you up, …” Hos 4:6  (BBE)
In this concluding edition, you will, through the help of the Holy Spirit, discover the right key and button that you need to disarm the powers behind limitation in your life and destiny, the forces responsible for your stagnation, holding you down at a spot and making you go round in circles. There is a great future ahead of you but due to lack of insight, life has become miserable for you, but now I see you being liberated and breaking loose from that oppression today in the name of Jesus.
Until you are armed with the needful (I mean knowledge), you would continually go over the same routine of frustration all your life. While growing up, I discovered some unpleasant trends around me and the only way out is to find resort in God through knowledge and aggressive prayers. I had to locate the correct prescription for my ‘ailment’ and this marked the beginning of my breakthrough in life and ministry. 
You cannot afford to be complacent with your present state; rather, you must violently react against it. The battle you fail to confront and conquer now will remain to fight your children’s children (your generations to come) and this is the more reason you need to stand up to every form of limitation in your life and as you take that bold step today, the Lord of Hosts will empower you to defeat your adversaries in Jesus name.
Does a lion roar in the forest, if there's no carcass to devour? Does a young lion growl with pleasure, if he hasn't caught his supper?” Amos 3:4 (THE MESSAGE)
There is a reason you are going through this situation in life. You ought to have gone further than where you are now but you have been limited by the powers that be from the foundation of your destiny. These powers are designed to tamper with your academics, marriage, divert your destiny, make a mess of your finances, stagnate your journey in life and to make you a story teller with nothing to show for living; but I see God disgrace them out of your life in Jesus name.
Beloved, the horror of satanic limitation will ensure that others with lesser ability, skill or even certification are preferred over you; where you have been pushed aside, men will come back to give you your due entitlement and any form of ancestral bond or covenant with limitation in your lineage responsible for your delay and rejection is broken today in Jesus name. Henceforth, you are unstoppable because you have been empowered through the knowledge you are grasping today.
Limitations are delay factors sourced with curses from the coven of darkness primarily to impede the vehicle of your destiny. The powers behind limitation are often age long and their grip and effect cannot be defused by human tendencies or capabilities but by intervention of a Superior Power.
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.” Isa 10:27 (KJV)
If the yoke of limitation that you have long struggled with will be shattered through the anointing of God, I therefore stand, by the anointing, and declare that the yoke of satanic limitation is broken over your life in the name of Jesus. I reverse every evil decree upon you by the blood of Jesus. I command everything responsible for your affliction and stagnation to be broken now in the name of Jesus. Every power and yoke of limitation that has vowed to die with you, I command them to die alone and any power of darkness assigned from any coven to make you end up a story teller in destiny, I command them to die now in the name of Jesus. Every power that says you will not go, I command them to go in your stead in the name of Jesus. I command every yoke of poverty to break in the name of Jesus.
·     Give your life to Christ
·     Ask God in prayers to show you His blueprint for your life so that you can fulfill your destiny.
·     Receive the right direction through the help of the Holy Spirit on how to fight the battles connected with satanic limitation in your life.
  •  Every curse operating in any department of my life, expire now by the blood of Jesus!
  • Every wicked decision taken by the kingdom of darkness to waste and to disgrace me in life, backfire by fire!
  •  Every satanic padlock and cage holding me, shatter to pieces by thunder!
  •  In the mist of my wicked enemy; I shall arise, cross this obstacle of limitation and get to my destination!
…in Jesus name. Amen.

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