Tuesday 9 October 2012


One of the main attributes of our God is that He does strange works and He brings to pass His strange acts.His strange works or acts are so explicit and pronounced from time immemorial and these attributes of our God are been made manifest from generation to generation.
 “The Lord will rise up as he did at Mount Perazim, he will rouse himself as in the Valley of Gibeon — to do his work, his strange work, and perform his task, his alien task.” Isa 28:21(NIV)
The word strange is synonymous with been unfamiliar, unusual, abnormal, unexpected or irregular. This therefore implies that God initiates His strange works in order to depict His awesomeness. Without any adduce, being strange is an attribute of God. However, the arch-enemy of man, the devil has counterfeited this attribute of God in order to manipulate, bewitch and conscript men into bondage; truncating the eternal plan of God for mankind. This oppressive nature of the devil has resulted into what I can describe as satanic recreation and alteration of God’s master piece for man and believers whose understanding about their status in Christ Jesus. As I often reiterate, the devil also carries out his demonic and abnormal works (activities) in the lives of God people and this is usually allied with weeping, sorrow or hardship.
 “The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy…” Jn 10:10 (NLT)
These strange works of the devil include strange sickness, barrenness, misfortune and incessant failure, hidden covenant of darkness, backwardness and perpetual limitations. Let be reiterate this again, the enemy (satan) is not interested in your will being rather he is only interested in maiming your joy. You need the superior power of the Living God to unveil and discomfit his evil acts in your life, marriage, career, business or finance. As you engage him in battle, the Lord of host will strengthen your hands and you will prevail in Jesus name.

The followings are some of the strange acts of the devil if nothing spiritually (spiritual war fare) is done:
-Strange feedback after prayer: Instead of getting results for prayers been offered, the battles of life assume a new shape. Surely, there is a strange enemy yet to be identified in that situation.
-Strange sickness that defiles medical attention: When strange object or deposit of darkness is programmed into the body of their victim, there will be re-occurrence of the same sickness from year to year.
-Regular visit to spiritual homes in the name of seeking for solution, this in disguise will multiply their victim suffering and bondage.
-Problems that makes ministers of God to be agape because of its mysterious nature.
-Taking wrong counsel from people the enemy has orchestrated to lure you into pitfalls or traps.

Beloved, it is deadly if the enemy succeeds in hypothesizing you with his strange evil works. God is the only true God that specializes in strange works (acts). When you call upon Him in faith, He will step into your life to arrest and cease every strange works of the enemy in your life.
  “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.” 1 Jn 3:8 (NIV)
 Do not forget that the devil is a liar. Today is your day of your deliverance. God used the mystery of the pass over to protect His own people when He sent His angel to slaughter all the Egyptians first born males and animals. The crossing of the Red Sea was another dimension of the strange work of God. The brazen snake that He instructed Moses to cast in the wilderness for the healing of the Israelites was another strange work of God, Exodus 14:21-31). The fall of the wall of Jericho, the bitter water at Mara and the barren land of Jericho that God healed, were some of the strange works of God in the Bible. This week, the world will see the strange work of God in your life and you will become a living epistle of testimonies in Jesus name.
Beloved, I want to pray these prayers like a conquer:
  * Every personality reaping dividend from my pain and sorrow, go into
     captivity of no return!
  * Ancient problem from the foundation of my destiny multiplying my sorrow, expire 
     now by the blood  of Jesus!
  * Every situation in my life with any demonic appointment and time-frame, catch fire
     now and burn to ashes!
  * Strange sickness and affliction fired into my life from the coven of darkness 
     come out now and destroy your sender!
  *Oh God of Elijah arise and contend with every force fighting against my
    manifestation and breakthrough!                                                               
                                                                         In Jesus name            

Prophetic Declaration
  * This week, you will hit your winning testimony!
  * As we approach the end of this year, favour will not only knock on your door,
     it will enter and abode with you.
  * Whatever is not part of your heritage in Christ and it is working contrary
     against your destiny, career, health and prosperity, comes to an end now!
  * Because you are connected to the Living God, your success is eternally guaranteed!
  * What has never be recorded in the history of your family is starting from 
      you this week!
                                                In Jesus name

  * Wealth gotten through a diabolical means makes its beneficiary a victim of 
     endless evil!
  * Your offerings remind God of His commitment to you in the days of trouble!
  * If you do not flow with God’s principles, you can be the most miserable person
    regardless your closeness to Him!
  * The more addicted you are to thanksgiving, the more effective your prayer becomes!
  * God searches the heart to determine what He places in your hand. If He finds
    nothing in your heart; then nothing reaches your hand. 



  1. How timely.
    I am believing God for that blessing right now even as I am on my way to a prayer service in a praying church.

