Friday 19 October 2012


Has it ever occurred to you why your enemies seem to be advancing daily with their wicked onslaught against your destiny despite your effort to be freed from their wicked ploys? This is the mystery I will be unfolding in this blog by the help of the Holy Ghost.

 “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” 2Cor 10:4 (NIV)

The first implication of that scripture is that there is always a battle to be fought whether you instigate it or not.  Secondly, the Bible also identifies that these wicked entities have what is been described as ‘strongholds’. This without any contradiction is the reason why you are losing every battle that confronts you. The Lord has established severally that every man has a battle to confront and conquer because this world is a battle field. Are you asking why you are a prime target by the wicked forces of darkness? Jesus said it all that:

 “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Jhn 16:33 (NKJV)

 The Lord Himself taught me about these strong holds and I am also using this platform to share it with you. The enemy only has a weapon called deception but we (Christians) have several weapons stocked up in the armory of the Almighty God. In the first instance, what is a stronghold? A strong hold is a safe place easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is also a defensive or fortified post where a particular group or activity is concentrated. One of the mysterious aspects of the subject in discourse is that these enemies particularly household witches and witchcraft have strongholds where they use as safe haven after attacking their captives. 

Until you learn the art of spiritual warfare, to decisively deal with these masquerading enemies will be difficult. In the olden days, when witches come to church, they tremble but now their evil strategy have assumed a new dimension as they hide their demonic powers in undisclosed places  like in the water, on trees, in their wicked coven or in inanimate objects. Today, we have what I called ‘modern witches’ who are immunized from been arrested by the power of the Living God when they fellowship with the children of God because the source of their wicked power has been kept somewhere called stronghold. I prophesy that any enemy hiding behind any strong hold to afflict your life shall be crushed by the hammer of the Living God in Jesus name. 


I have retreated over time that the enemy you refuse to deal with in your days will live to fight your children; this is not an erroneous notion but the gospel truth. While you are asleep, the enemy of your soul is visiting places primarily to afflict your destiny. Satanic strongholds are real and its reality is the bane behind the much suffering, troubles, hardship and affliction in the lives of many people today. Satanic strongholds are fortress in the coven of darkness where demonic assaults are launched against their victims. It is considered as a safe place easy to defend and difficult to attack. How do they achieve so much evil with this scheme? Once they succeed with their evil plot, they rescind to their strong hold in order to be shielded from combat by their captives that is knowledgeable about their wicked antics. 

When the enemy takes refuge in any satanic stronghold in order to attack you, if you are not sensitive spiritually, nothing might be done to abate the situation. If you are always confronted by stubborn problems, know for sure that there is a strong hold that the enemy is using as a backup. Say this prayer like this, thunder of the living God collide with every satanic stronghold claiming ruler ship over my life and expose all my enemies in Jesus name. Anytime the enemies want to attack you, they consult higher demonic mediums not the ones you can easily disarm through prayers. They do this so that they can have safe haven where they hide and watch as their demonic agenda unfolds. The only panacea to disarm the enemy and his wicked stronghold hold is by engaging the instrumentality of the thunder of the Living God.   

This series continues next week, God bless you.

* What God has finished can no longer finish you!
* Life is all about donation not duration
* To fight the battles of life; you do not need gun, all you need is God!
* If you do not flow with God’s principles, you can be the most miserable
    Person around even though you are close to Him!
* God searches the heart to determine to determine what He places in 
    your hand. If He finds nothing in your heart; nothing reaches your hand.

* No matter your condition; no matter what you are going though; you are
    an over-comer!
* Every hand troubling your destiny withers now!
* Good things will start to work for your favour!
* The Pharaoh that held your life, destiny, marriage is releasing you now!
* You are not a mistake, you are a miracle!
* You will end your life well!
                              In Jesus name

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