Wednesday 17 April 2013


“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jer 29:11(NIV)
In whatever field or industry you find yourself in life, you must be conscious of this truth; the plan that God has for you is far beyond description and the objective of the enemy is to kill this glorious plan. Even men of God whom you come across also testify to the reality of the greatness of the future ahead of you but there is an assigned force from hell whose sole agenda is to hinder this great plan. How do you know? Perhaps, at every point in time when any good or remarkable thing is to occur, there is awaiting ambassador of darkness fully briefed to end that dream.
Noteworthy is the fact that the brighter and bigger your star is, the fiercer and more terrible the battle and oppositions you encounter. There is battle in life you cannot afford to lose, it is the battle against limitation which could arise from any quarters, but my prayer for you is that you would overcome this battle and your mission in life shall be accomplished in the name of Jesus.
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”. 3 John:2
 The writer of this epistle was painted in clearer terms about the intention of God for His children; in like manner, permit me to rephrase this scripture that the devil’s wish, above all things, is that you fail. I would be a fool to think that the enemy has good intentions for my destiny, no! The enemy desires that you will not hit your goal; his wish above all things is that you will make marital mistakes beyond remedy which would eventually jeopardize your destiny, his intent is that you will live a life of squalor and abject poverty, also that you remain in the congregation of the ignorant so that he can continually take advantage of you. It is your duty to fight against these satanic limitations, and you will conquer in Jesus name.
A man who is limited is one with a bleak future regardless of his religious beliefs except he prays himself out of his situation and this involves praying the right prayer, not until this is done there can hardly be a way out of his calamity. A limited man is caged and hindered notwithstanding his certification, oratory, prowess, influence or affluence.
A limited man operating under the spell of satanic atmosphere is confined to point which makes life frustrating, therefore, I pray for you that any form of limitation, which is militating against where the Lord has destined you to be, is removed now in the name of Jesus. So many who are supposed to be prominent personalities on earth have been reduced to commoners under the weight of satanic circumstances; they are supposed to be great in life but they have been restrained. Permit me to quickly add that your spirituality or how religious you are has nothing to do with this.
“Because it was our will to come to you. [I mean that] I, Paul, again and again [wanted to come], but Satan hindered and impeded us.” 1 Thess 2:18 (AMP)
Sometime ago, I met with a brother in one of our services and immediately the Spirit of the Lord revealed to me that he was not meant to be in this country but somehow had been incapacitated. I then asked him to get his traveling passport and broke the chain of limitation after which I asked him to re-apply and that was the end; he was later sharing with me how the embassy invited him over for his visa. That was how he got his breakthrough. The Bible says, ‘Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever’, I decree, every limitation in your life shall die in the name of Jesus. So many here who should be calling the shots in their various fields of endeavor have been ensnared and limited in the pursuit of their destiny assignment. Alas! There is a power (demonic force) questioning their aspirations; I pray for you that every power holding you, I command them to break their hold over your life in the name of Jesus

Friday 5 April 2013


Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.Jer 1:5
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.  Jer 29:11

Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me. Isa 49:16

From the last scripture, it is evident that God has a list of you and I, and the preceding scripture tells us that we have been enlisted to succeed, advance, flourish, shine and to make it. This shows that God has plans for us. However, you need to realize that as God has plans to make the best out of your life, likewise the enemy (satan) has devised his own scheme to frustrate this plan. In other words, that you are a believer does not preclude you from attack from these evil perpetrators. This is my prayer for you; where you are supposed to be and you have been limited, the hand of the Almighty God will catapult you to that desired level in Jesus name.

In very simple terms, limitation could mean restriction or imposition of unnecessary delay. But the intent of God for His children is to succeed, shine and prosper; the bible says “…thoughts of peace…” He wants your life to be a testimony; “…to give you an expected end”, this is the plan of God for your life but the devil has plans also, his plan basically is to truncate that “expected end” that God has for you. He wants to hinder you and it is your duty to fight and conquer him.

“We wanted very much to come to you, and I, Paul, tried again and again, but Satan prevented us.” 1 Thess 2:18

The assertion of Apostle Paul in this regard helps to have another perspective on the damaging effect of satanic limitation which I will expound on very shortly. If Apostle Paul could boldly say that “…satan hindered us”, then you have to understand that you must fight to attain what God has ordained you to be. Paul had this extra-ordinary zeal for the work of the gospel and the devil knowing the extent and possible impact of his mission went ahead to orchestrate men and circumstances as impediments to the realization of his purpose. 

“This [ambition] is the reason why I have so frequently been hindered from coming to visit you.” Rom 15:22 (AMP)

There is a goal (spiritually, physically, financially) which God has set for your advancement in destiny but satanic opposition will come in confrontation with that purpose but it shall not stand in Jesus name. God is not limited in His plans; His lofty agenda is irrevocable and if truly you are a child of God, it is your duty to fight and face every organized opposition from the pit of hell.

The word “limitation” has negative connotations like unlawful stoppage, imposed restriction or being confined to a marked circumference. Notable is the fact that life is full of battles arising from the peculiar assignment God has given every individual and the architect of this mayhem is primarily the devil ably assisted by his wicked subjects.

Satanic limitation can strip a man of all benefits and privileges associated with his destiny thus making same to lag behind in the schedule of life. The implication of this is that the victim cannot stand or rub shoulders with his colleagues.

“I have even seen servants riding horseback like princes—and princes walking like servants!” Ecc 10:7 (NLT)

This particular brother was born a prince but an unfortunate event took place and his once-upon-a-time servant is now the “prince” while he (the original prince) is left in his helpless state. Surely, something beyond the ordinary took place. This same fate is what many people are battling with today and there seems to be no one to help salvage their destiny; beloved, never underestimate how far-reaching satanic limitation can be. There is an invisible chain and power positioned at every juncture of your destiny to halt and slow you down; there are forces that are acquaintances and they are familiar with the geometry of your destiny. Many today who ought to be high fliers in life have found themselves in the humble state of life; they have been limited due to an invisible chain or chains of limitation holding them. If you have been limited in any way, I decree freedom for you in Jesus name. Whatever thing the enemy has put in your way to serve as impediment, I remove them now and release upon you, speed and grace to overtake in the name of Jesus.

…to be continued next week.


*Money is a defense but lack of it is an offense.
*Wealth is not meant for accumulation but for distribution.
*A heart for God is what gives you the earth to possess.
*Until you have a good sense of value for spiritual things,
   you cannot experience the flow of the virtue.
*When you are in covenant with God, you have a covering.
*Until you are ready for God, you are not ready for good.


*This month, you will not labour in vain!
*You will not bring forth for trouble!
*The fruit of your labour shall not be stolen!
*The heavens shall open for you and give you
   a down pour of God’s rain.
*The fruit of the earth shall come to you in abundance!
*This year, the Lord shall bless you and it shall show forth!
                          In Jesus name